Thursday, 23 May 2013

Deleted messages and data on your smart-phone? Even with a strong password they could still be recovered, *laughing mischievously**

Unknown  /  at  04:37  /  No comments

You think a secure password and erasing your phone's memory would protect sensitive information on your smartphone? Oh please!
The device seen above which could be gotten on eBay for less than $1,000, all I got to do is plug in the smartphone and in a matter of seconds I have the phone's memory downloaded, a secure password would make the job a bit longer,but believe me I'm still gonna lay my hands on all your data, 'hidden' or 'exposed'! lol..
This method is how the police often seize and analyze phones for evidence of things such as indecent photos and videos, what calls were placed when and to whom, browser history, calendar events and explanations of a suicide or murder all of that can be uncovered whether or not a user deleted it from their phone.

 A so-called "physical" analysis can typically retrieve deleted information that is hidden deep within a smartphone's memory. When a photo is saved, for example, the device's operating system will typically store variations of that image in several different locations -- a thumbnail view may still be available even if the original isn't.

 Realizing their smartphones could potentially serve as smoking guns in court, criminals will often attempt to destroy their phones. That can make a forensics expert's job more difficult -- but not impossible. Memory chips can often be retrieved and analyzed.

 Physical damage is not always the deal-breaker that it used to be,data is stored where data is stored, so you don't have to care so much about the outer casing,even water is not always a problem.

You could go on eBay to get these Cellebrite's forensic tools for less than a thousand dollars.

So think twice before getting incriminating data on your smartphone. Adios.

Posted in: Posted on: Thursday, 23 May 2013


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