Sunday, 9 June 2013

Orlando Shaw being sued after fathering 22 children with 14 women.

Unknown  /  at  08:41  /  No comments

Well, what can I say? This 33 year old dude fathered two football teams! lol.. 

His children range from infants to an 18 year old...and if my maths is correct he started breeding the 'football teams' right from when he was 15!! 

Nemesis seems to have caught up with him as he is being sued by his past partners for 'tens of thousands of dollars' in unpaid child support, Shaw admits that his Criminal record makes it nearly impossible for him to pay this requirements.

In an interview with U.S WTVF an affiliate of CBS,Orlando Shaw said he loves all of his kids and considers himself a good father -- it's just that he can't afford to pay child support.He however during the interview could not keep count of all the kids he has fathered...*even a genius wouldn't remember them all* *lol*... On the whole, Shaw appeared to be both unapologetic about his circumstance and unprepared to tackle its steep financial challenges. 

"I was young and ambitious, and I love women," Orlando Shaw told WTVF. "You can't knock no man for loving women."

Posted in: Posted on: Sunday, 9 June 2013


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