Friday, 21 June 2013

Meet Alex Minsky- Amputee turned model.

Unknown  /  at  14:35  /  No comments

Alex Minsky----- an Amputee turned model.. and you think your problems are too big to overcome? Come on..don't be a learner..

Alex Minsky is a 24-year-old U.S. Marine whose right leg was amputated by a roadside bomb in 2009 while he was serving in Afghanistan. Minsky spent 47 days in a coma and suffered traumatic brain injuries and severe burns to his body from the explosion.

Minsky suffered from depression and turned to alcohol to cope until he decided to fight back by stopping drinking and starting to work out.

“I didn’t want to run anymore,” he said. “I wanted to face my problems instead.”

It was at the gym that Minsky got his big break when he was spotted by a photographer.

“He approached me and said, ‘Have you ever modeled? Like what are you? What are you doing?’” Minsky recalled.

“It was too hard to pass up,” said the photographer, Tom Cullis. “He had a movie star face with wild ink and sweat.”

Now Minsky is showing off the results of his daily four-hour workouts as an underwear and fashion model.

So, you see..he is no David Beckham being an amputee and all and yet he could pull off being a model, so therefore rather than sit back and moan our setbacks..rather recoil, fight back..non-stop!..

Posted in: Posted on: Friday, 21 June 2013


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